Thursday 11 August 2011

Early Christmas Present?

I know its too early to mention Christmas but I will try not to do it again before December 1st after this post.

In our circuit we tend to use the readings from revised common lectionary quite a bit and as some readers may know the lectionary year starts on the first Sunday in Advent each year and runs to the Sunday before Advent the following year. The year that begins on 27th November 2011 is Year ‘B’ and I thought this might be a good chance to remind people about the book of vestry prayers I wrote specifically for year ‘B’.

Quite a number of the churches in our circuit use the book whatever year it is because they say the prayers are more modern than some of the collections of vestry prayers and are easy to read and consequently say.

Perhaps you are a steward who sometimes finds it difficult to pray with the preacher or perhaps you know a steward who might find this book helpful – if you would like to get a copy they are available for just £5 plus £1 post and packing. If you would like further details just email me at and I will let you have full details.

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